Our vision is that people in Fort Dodge and the surrounding area would encounter Christ, experience community, and love the world.
Why multiply?
One of the key values of the kingdom of God is multiplication. We see Jesus model multiplication as He called the 12 disciples and then appointed 72 others to go and make disciples of all nations. Jesus is into multiplying so we want to be into multiplying. We multiply individually, as leaders, in communities, and as a church. We want to plant other campuses and churches.
What are ways to engage?
Receive an email from Maggie once a month that includes updates on church planting and prayer requests. Send an email to maggie.davis@harvestvc.org to sign up for this email or fill out the "Want Fort Dodge Campus Updates?" form below.
Do you know someone who lives in Fort Dodge or the surrounding area? As a connector, you would share information to maggie.davis@harvestvc.org and help connect HVC with people in that area.
Do you feel a sense or stirring to pray about moving to Fort Dodge? Contact Maggie at
maggie.davis@harvestvc.org so she can join you in praying about the discernment process.
Please fill out this form to be included in email updates.
A great way to stay connected is to fill out our
connection card. We would love to get to know you more and let you know what is happening in the life of our church. You can also get connected with small groups which will begin in September.
Maggie Davis, our Fort Dodge campus pastor shares the story of how she ended up in Fort Dodge and about how God has been moving throughout her time there.
Rachel is a worship leader at our Fort Dodge campus and she has a long history connected to the Vineyard. She shares with us about the worship culture in Fort Dodge and sings "Form Us," a song that has been meaningful at both campuses.