God is doing awesome things beyond our borders

How can you join in God's work to love the nations?

We want to see God move the people and partners of Harvest Vineyard to bring the Good News of Jesus to the ends of the earth. We do this through relationships with international partners, short-term mission trips, and sending long-term workers with HVC's values. This all starts with what God is doing in us here in Central Iowa, and it flows out of us into the world.


Mission Prayer

Jesus tells us that one of the greatest ways that we can participate in the expansion of the Gospel to the ends of the earth is to pray.

Sign up to receive prayer reminders by emailing Jason Van Hove at


Missions Care Teams

Being an overseas worker is difficult, living away from friends and family, having your foundational ideas of culture, worldview, language, sights, smells, and tastes taken away from you. As a church, we desire to take care of those who have been sent from Harvest Vineyard, and we do that through our Missions Care Teams. Each sent worker has a team that is focused on caring for them.

For more info on how to participate in a Missions Care Team email Jason VanHove at


Short-Term Trips

Harvest Vineyard offers trips focused on learning from the faith of our overseas partners and to bless them. We annually send teams to serve alongside and learn from our partners annually.

To find out our trip schedules email Jason at

Long-Term Workers

Interested in having a conversation about long-term cross-cultural ministry?

Email Jason at .

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Mexico City Missions

Tori has been a part of Harvest for several years as a part of several ministry areas. We spoke with her about her experience as a part of our partnership with El Pozo de Vida in Mexico City.

A black youtube icon with a play button on a white background.


Learn more about Missions on YouTube

New videos are added to this playlist with the most recent video first. Hit the play button to start the playlist and learn more about our sent missionaries, youth missions trips, and local outreach!

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