In Acts, chapter 2, it says about the early church, that “every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
We believe that God has a calling on us to be a people who experience regular community with one another in meaningful ways to point us toward Jesus. One of the intentional ways we live that out as a church is through small groups and community groups.
A small group is a group of people, often from a similar geographic location or similar age and stage of life, who meet regularly together. Often, these groups share a meal or a dessert, worship, discuss Sunday’s sermon or a relevant book, or serve the community together. Each group is a little different based on the preferences of the group, but each is a place where people are encouraged, like the early disciples, to gather in a Christ-centered community.
These groups tend to be more focused around a common interest. We’ve had groups centered around everything from quilting, to parenting, to playing video games, to reading theological journal, as well as support groups for anxiety and depression, and alcohol addiction.
Small Group & Community Group BOOKLET
We have lots of groups, so, regardless of your age, stage in life, interest area, or geographic location, I encourage you to download our small group and community group booklet, or pick one up the next time you are in the building. We update these regularly, and it is always the best way to survey what is available and determine how to get connected.
If you are ready to make some connections and to develop some friendships with other believers, click on the "Small Groups & Community Groups Booklet" button to find a group to join, or
email Kent.